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Christopher Fon Achobang |
of Linguistics
of Arts
of Buea
2009, Herakles Farms (HF) through its Cameroon affiliate Sithe Global
Sustainable Oils Cameroon PLC (SGSOC) signed an establishment convention with
Cameroon government to produce 440,000 tons of palm oil annually from over
73,000 hectares of pristine rainforest for a period of 99 years.
some of us who read the Establishment Convention, which had been intended to be
top secret, conclude, the Cameroon people, government and humanity were going
to be losers as none of the terms gave Cameroon anything in return for losing
so much forest and ecosystem. Humanity too loses because one of its lungs will
be infected by the deforestation cancer.
bickering and debates are ongoing about the suitability of the project, HF has
attempted to maneuver difficult turns on its road to acceptability by
fabricating Environmental Impact Assessment reports, using soft corruption to
buy support from local communities who are 98 percent opposed to the project,
and deceiving public opinion to make project look like a partnership between
Cameroon government and the United States of America.
HF has
just hoisted two flags on the building hosting its head offices in Limbe,
Cameroon. What is the intention of a private company hoisting two flags of two
countries on its private offices? Is it a sign of partnership or a flagrant
attempt to mislead?
As I
am conversant with the advent of HF to Cameroon, its activities and the
Cameroon business set up, HF has hoisted the two flags in bad faith. It is a
blatant attempt to mislead the public and sway public opinion to support
project through intimidation.
granting scholarships to over 25 students from concession areas in Nguti,
Mundemba and Toko, digging boreholes which do not yield water in Fabe and
Meangwe II, organizing an illegal medical campaign that saw the operation of
dozens of local people in insalubrious makeshift surgical conditions, and
outright bribing of elites and members of the administration, HF steps up
deception of Cameroon public opinion by hoisting its flag alongside that of the
United States of America.
Let it
be known that the governments of the Republic of Cameroon and the United States
of America have signed no partnership agreement to float a company called
Herakles Farms in Cameroon.
drive to crooked public relations is out of taste and further portrays HF as an
impostor and dishonest person to do business with. Instances of dishonesty by
HF are legion.
obtaining a provisional Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, from local
communities to present to government as proof that the communities are ready to
work with HF, it disappeared and never went back to negotiate the final
conditions for the land concession. HF has been intimidating people that
government will sanction them if they failed to surrender land for the project
posing as a government project. The company has also gone into the forest to
demarcate it unilaterally without government surveyors.
the records, no Cameroon private company floats the flag of Cameroon on its
offices. Some schools do hoist flags from all over the world to indicate their
admiration for the educational systems of those countries. Some do it just for
purposes of educating their pupils. Some bilateral co-operations exist between
Cameroon and other countries where there is agreement to undertake a common
project. Such is the case with the JICA (Japanese International Co-operation
Agency) and the building of schools for the Cameroon Ministry of basic
education. This co-operation is celebrated with the hoisting of the flags of
Japan and Cameroon in front of these schools.
HF and
its affiliate SGSOC are private companies and should not hoist the flags of the
United States of America and Cameroon in front of its offices, even in show of
patriotism. The Establishment Convention betrays HF as a leech ready to suck
Cameroonians to anemia. Such a greedy anti-people company cannot pretend to
love Cameroon by any stretch of imagination.
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